The new Batman series from Telltale Games called The Enemy Within will be announced soon?

Written by B Johnson January 20, 2018
The new Batman series from Telltale Games called The Enemy Within will be announced soon?
Telltale Games has been really successful in bringing movie tie-in games to gaming platforms, from Walking Dead the series, Batman, Guardians of the Galaxy and many more. And if you've been following Batman series from Telltale Games, we have great news for you. So there's a huge possibility that the second Batman series from Telltale Games called "Batman: The Enemy Within" could be announced soon at San Diego Comic Con this week .

There are some speculations believing that Telltale Games will be announcing a new game at San Diego Comic Con this week. Telltale Games recently teased us on its Twitter page that the studios will have something big to announce this week at SDCC. Unfortunately, they didn't give more details regarding what announcement they're gonna make.

Some people speculated that Telltale Games will be unveiling a new The Wolf Among US series. And that could come to fruition because one of the actors that are involved in this game, just retweeted Telltale Games' tweet on its page.

But the other possibility also comes from the Film and Labeling Body of New Zealand that recently published a rating for a game called "Batman: The Enemy Within". And it's more believable this time because it also lists Kent Mudle in its description.

For you information, Kent Mudle is actually the director of Telltale Games. Well, if Batman: The Enemy Within indeed is the one that will be announced this week, this would be the second Batman series from this developer.

The new Batman series from Telltale Games called The Enemy Within will be announced soon?

The new Batman series from Telltale Games called The Enemy Within will be announced soon?

The first Batman series has already been released by Telltale Games since 2 years ago in 2016. And it's actually available right now on any gaming platforms, from consoles, tablets to even smartphones.

The game consisted in 5 episodes. We've actually been following this series intensively from the first to the last one.

So basically, in this first Batman series, Telltale Games is trying to take players deep down to the history of Batman and Bruce Wayne personally along with many of his enemies. It also explains a lot about Bruce Wayne's company - Wayne Enterprise - and how it used to do some nasty sh** and operations in order to generate money from people in Gotham City.

Speaking about the game, so Batman series from Telltale Games is not like Arkham Knight on gaming consoles. In fact, it's nothing like Arkham Knight games. The game basically puts more focus on storyline and less on open-world gameplay.

But even so, players can still control the character either as Batman/Bruce Wayne and it still offers some intense cut-scene gameplay especially where players are required to push the right buttons or otherwise get Batman or Bruce killed.

It's still uncertain what announcement Telltale Games is gonna make at that conference. But we certainly hope that the second series Batman: The Enemy Within indeed will be announced at Comic Con in San Diego this week (fingers' crossed on that!).
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